

综合类教材 C级阅读理解文章【小心鲨鱼】

单词:categorize vt. 分类

句子:Although sharks areoften categorized as killers that hunt and eat as many humans as they can, thisis factually inaccurate.


综合类教材 B级阅读理解文章【只好向上】

单词:exhibit vt. 展览;显示;n. 展览品;证据; vi. 展出;开展览会

句子:In fact, he spent a number of years exhibiting lifts at fairgrounds,giving people the chance to try them before selling the idea to architects andbuilders.


综合类教材 A级阅读理解文章【苏格兰启蒙运动】

单词:exist vi. 存在;生存;生活;继续存在

句子:But a wider Scottish Enlightenment can still be seen. It exists inthe way that the ideas evolved at that time still underpin our theories. Italso exists in Scotland itself in an educational tradition that combinesacademic excellence with practical orientation.


理工类教材 C级 阅读理解文章 【肋生双翅机器人学飞行】

单词:instruction n. 指令,命令;指示;教导;用法说明

句子:The most successful ones were paired up and “offspring” sets ofinstructions were generated by swapping instructions randomly betweensuccessful pairs.


理工类教材 B级阅读理解文章【男女飞行员引起飞行事故的差异】

单词:appear vi. 出现;显得;似乎;出庭;登场

句子:Males, however, appeared more likely to be guilty of poordecision-making, risk-taking, and inattentiveness, examples of which includemisjudging weather and visibility or flying an aircraft with a known defect.


理工类教材 A级阅读理解文章【植物效能】

单词:miniature adj. 微型的,小规模的 n. 缩图;微型画 vt. 是…的缩影

句子:Some scientists are tryingto get plants, or biological cells that act like plants, to work as miniaturephotosynthetic power stations.


卫生类教材 C级 阅读理解文章 【纳米保健技术走向贫困国家】

单词:compare n. 比较vt. 比拟,喻为vi. 相比;比较,区别;比拟(常与to连用)

句子:He says nanometer-sized particles behave differently in the body andthe environment compared to larger particles.


卫生类教材 B级阅读理解文章【老年糖尿病患者进行体育锻炼可以取代胰岛素治疗】

单词:complete adj. 完整的;完全的;彻底的 vt. 完成

句子:At the same time it can put off the point at which they have tobegin taking insulin or perhaps completely avoid insulin treatment.


卫生类教材 A级阅读理解文章【发现高血压药品可降低中风的危险】

单词:direct adj. 直接的 vt. 管理;指挥 vi. 指导;指挥 adv. 直接地;正好

句子:An international six-year study of 6,100 patients directed from SydneyUniversity found that by taking two blood pressure-lowering drugs, the risk ofsecondary strokes can be reduced by up to 40 per cent.


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