

【题源】To this little person he began to pay, on the spot, particular attention: she struck him as exactly the household angel he had long been looking for. 【He was never precipitate, he was nothing if not discreet, so he forbore for the present to declare his passion;】 but it seemed to him when they parted—the young lady to go down into Italy and her admirer to proceed to Geneva, where he was under bonds to join other friends—that he should be romantically wretched if he were not to see her again.



1)strike: vt. If something strikes you as being a particular thing, it gives you the impression of being that thing.

[例]She strikes me as a very efficient person. 在我眼里,她是个很干练的人。

2)precipitate: adj. 鲁莽的,冲动的happening very quickly or suddenly and usually without enough care and thought

[例] Many of our current problems have been caused by precipitate policy making in the past. 我们目前的很多问题都是由过去仓猝制定的政策导致的。

3)discreet: adj. 谨慎的careful in what you say or do, in order to keep sth secret or to avoid causing embarrassment or difficulty for sb

[例] They were gossipy and not always discreet. 他们很爱传闲话,而且常常口无遮拦。

4)forbear: vi. 忍住to stop yourself from saying or doing sth that you could or would like to say or do

[例]He wanted to answer back, but he forbore from doing so. 他想顶嘴,但是忍住了。

5)wretched: adj. 难受的,不愉快的feeling ill/sick or unhappy

[例]I felt wretched about the way things had turned out. 事情落了这么个结局,我感到很难受。


1.on the spot: 立马,当下immediately

[例]He answered the question on the spot. 他当场就回答了那个问题。

文中第*个句子这个插入语可能不少同学都不适应,我们在读的时候先把on the spot跳过,把句子pay particular attention读完再读插入语。On the spot修饰pay.


never precipitate=nothing if not discreet=forbear to declare passion

其中nothing if not discreet意思是“如果他不谨慎他就什么都不是”,也就是说他很谨慎。

3.romantically wretched: 相信大家都很熟悉GRE里面有一个表达是agreeable melancholy, 意思是“令人愉悦的忧伤”。这里面也是这样,通过“浪漫而又煎熬”表达文中的“他”陷入情网之后的心情。

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