如何打造完美的托福写作素材 (互联网篇)



  例如这样一道经典托福独立写作题目:Do you agree or disagree: people should not pay for the public transportation. (是否认同:人们不应该为公共交通付费)。题干核心考察的就是考生们会如何针对为公共交通付费这件生活中的小事进行论述展开。

  而这样经典的老话题也可能会经历一些变化,如另一道题: Agree or disagree: It is more important for the government to spend money on improving internet access than public transportation. (是否认同:相对于公共交通,政府更应该投资改善互联网设施) 这道题实际上是换汤不换药,对于这道选择类别的托福写作题目,同学们可以围绕支持政府投资公共交通进行展开,常见的思路有:1.提高服务质量 2.改善环境 3.减轻交通压力等;你也可选支持政府投资因特网来进行展开,常见的思路有:1.提供更多便利 2.丰富知识 3.加强网络监管等

  针对政府投资因特网的第*点好处(提高服务质量), 我们来看一下最近处于风口浪尖的谷歌公司,2015年4月14日搜索巨头谷歌调整了排名体系,这对那些 “移动友好” (“mobile-friendly”) 的网站 (亦称Mobilegeddon) 十分有利,因为可以加快其站点的搜索速度。目前,40% 多的网站不属于 “移动友好” 网站,谷歌的政策调整会对这些网站造成一定潜在损失。我们不妨一起来看下一篇来自经济学人的报道:










 To begin with, the financial support from the government to internet access will, undoubtedly, generate the miraculously beneficial effects on the consumers. To be more specific, a large amount of capital infiltrating into the domain of internet access can contribute to the tremendous and systematic innovation of the internet access that will transfer towards the positive tendency. Recently, the European Union accused the tech giant, namely Google, of abusing its power to stifle competition, and it has successfully aroused the attention from the general public even though Google managed to avoid the charges that should be attributed to the latest technical change taking place in Google. On April 21st Google, the world’s biggest online-search engine, will start implementing a major overhaul of its mobile-search algorithm.

And it is not meant to discriminate against rivals, but to demote sites in Google mobile-search results that are not deemed “mobile-friendly”. That means, for instance, those that have text too small to read on a smartphone screen, or fiddly links too difficult to open with the tap of a finger, will be outdated. In that case, consumers will benefit a lot from the change since the enterprises will be forced to make their sites on mobile devices more usable, meanwhile, it is conceivable that the service quality of internet will go through a dramatic lift if the government can provide the industry with financial even relatively legal support.

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