

Steve: I think I need some career guidance Mike.

Mike: Why do you say that?

Steve: I'm getting bored with my current position.

Mike: Have you thought about a new direction for your career?

Steve: Like what? Can you think of something interesting for me?

Mike: Why not sales and marketing?

Steve: Do you mean sales or do you mean marketing?

Mike: They are the same thing, aren't they?

Steve: No way! They are totally different. Let me fill you in on the main differences.




1) Career guidance: getting advice about your work strengths and weaknesses
   Career guidance is usually offered by the Human Resources department of a company.

2) Sales: jobs where you actively sell goods and services to customers or clients
   Most sales people work for a base salary and then a percentage commission.

3) Marketing: jobs that involve studying the target market for a goods or service to increase sales
   The marketing department in our company always has lots of cool gifts they use to promote the company like t-shirts and coffee cups.

4) Integral: vital, important
   The only two things that are integral to my morning are coffee and cigarettes!

5) Challenging: something that is not simple or easy
   Swimming across the English Channel to France would be very challenging.


Many people think that sales and marketing are the same job. Some people think that marketing is what sales people do to sell a product. This could not be farther from the truth, as we will see below.


Sales means trying to convince someone to buy your goods or services. Generally, customers buy goods and clients buy services.


Marketing is a number of processes that are designed to help a company understand the market and what the market thinks of their goods or services.


When marketing is done well, it will help management to make changes to the product to better suit the market needs and also help increase sales because more people will be aware of the product.


Sales and marketing department usually work separately but closely.


A marketing project usually starts with a market survey. This means asking potential customers their honest thoughts and feelings about the product. You should also compare your product with your competitors to understand the relative strengths and weaknesses of each.


Twenty years ago, marketing was not an important business function, but as the market place become more and more competitive each year, good marketing (and good sales) has become one of the most integral and challenging areas to work in.


Dialogue (对话)

Beth: I like the idea of working in sales.

Sally: Oh, I don't think I would like it at all.

Beth: I'm surprised to hear that. Why wouldn't you like sales?

Sally: There is too much pressure to make sales all the time and I don't like the idea of working for commission.

Beth: I think that commission is a great idea - the more you sell the more you make.

Sally: But if I make no sales, I get no commission. How can I pay the rent?

Beth: Sales is challenging I know, but the rewards can be big.

Sally: I prefer to work for a salary. At least I know exactly how much I will earn each month.

Beth: Without sales, there would be no company. I am proud to lead the way for the rest of the staff!


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