

 121 / motive / reason / 理由

  122 / notably / particularly / 特别

  123 / now and then / occasionally / 时而,偶尔

  124 / occasionally / sometimes / 有时,偶尔

  125 / occupant / resident / 居民

  126 / outcome / result / 结果

  127 / outrageous / unacceptable / 不可接受

  128 / phase / stage / 阶段

  129 / planner / principal organizer / 组织者

  130 / polish / shine / 照亮

  131 / pressing / urgent / 紧迫的

  132 / propose / suggest / 建议

  133 / put up with / tolerate / 忍受

  134 / rarely / seldom / 很少,不常

  135 / readily / willingly / 乐意地

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